Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Look and feel sexy in clothes

If you're like many women out there, getting dressed up for work, a night out or a friendly gathering involves more than picking out a nice outfit and putting on makeup. The mental aspect can be so draining that you find yourself second guessing each selection.

But it's not even the dressing up part; it's also the way you feel in your own skin.

How many times have you compared yourself to another woman?

Maybe you're a bit taller than the average and you find yourself slouching and feeling awkward next to her. Or maybe you’re heavier set and find yourself always wrapping your arms around your waist trying to cover what you perceive to be rolls and sags? Does it feel as though everyone around you is sensing your insecurity? It might feel like the world is snickering at you as you walk by, waiting for you to trip or make some embarrassing move. The snickers and the stares from people are so overwhelming that you would sooner stay at home than be caught in the outside world.

The reality is that those snickers and stares are most likely in your head. But it's so difficult to realize this when you are so engulfed with your own low self-thoughts.

It's when you pick up your self-esteem that you realize "hey I'm really just as attractive, if not more, than the next woman."

Patty Contenta

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