Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is sensuality?

Look in the dictionary for a definition of sensuality, depending upon the version and maker, varying definitions exist. Ask any person to define sensuality, and still more interpretations. Sensuality in its truest form is not to be confused with SEX. Sensuality means to be aroused by things of beauty, luxury and refinement, to be aware of and explore the world, life and love with all the senses. To be sensual is to be aware of and appreciate the natural, ecstasy that can be found in the sensuous, passionate world of feeling, inhabited by poets, artists, song writers and dreamers. Being sensual brings to us a life felt through our senses, seen only in the world of spirit.

Living a sensuous life, your world is enhanced by awareness. Appreciation and acceptance for who and what you are. A passion for life and love. Sensuality is a world that virtually weaves itself in a rich tapestry of beauty, of intense arousal and passion where even the simplest touch of a finger drawn lightly across the bare skin of a lover’s back in the early morning hour causes the lover to awaken filled with a heightened awareness. In their heightened states, the colors of the world are painted in more radiant, vivid hues; eyes are deeper, skin is creamier as the sun filtering through the drapes dances off their bodies. An exquisite luxurious feeling. Joy. That exultation of spirit, pleasure, passion and delight is yours. Joy leads to ecstasy.

Keep ecstasy in our lives and lovers will go through their days filled with joy - that never ending supply of excitement of the spirit that brightens their lives and fills them with delight. Feeling and being are the sublime part of a man and brings warmth, gentleness, relatedness and perception to sensuality. It is the divine feminine nature existing in both a man and a woman. Feeling is the art of having a value structure and a sense of meaning and belonging. Feeling is the part that brings love to us. Romance in a relationship allows us to touch the soul of a lover. Romance and ecstasy mixed, allows us to touch the heart and soul.

What person doesn’t love Love? It is the essence of life. Love. Such a wonderful, essential part of our beings. Without it we would wither and die. Romance, ecstasy, passion and ultimately, love, are so powerful a human drive they have kindled wars, created works of art, consoled the dying, driven kings to insanity and bankrupted nations. Love is the most important aspect of our lives, yet we spend our lives searching for it when a simple act of vulnerability toward our feeling nature will cause it to spring forward, catching us like a bird in flight.

It is that vital, intrinsic, pulse-beating passion within us, our feeling natures, sensuality, that gives us creativity and a sense of joy. Through our feelings we experience our purpose and the special, ecstatic moments in our lives. It is through our feelings that our lives are given meaning and worth. It is our romancing one another in loving, ecstatic ways that helps us to discover that we are ALL sensual beings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Is Self Worth and Body Image Important?

Self worth and body image is important because to truly get the most from self-pleasure and let’s be truthful to get the most from life you must have confidence in yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Unfortunately for many women that isn’t the case. There are a number of factors for this.

It doesn’t help when you look in magazines and see skinny, airbrushed models wearing expensive clothes looking glamorous; the modern world seems to worship the perfect body and if you have low self esteem it is easy to believe that you are too tall, fat or unattractive

Girls, we are own worst critics picking up every small real or perceived fault with ourselves. We have all been a slave to the scale or checked the mirror more times that is healthy trying to work out why we look the way we do and if we think we are attractive enough. If we are not happy with our own body then we can’t get the most from it.

Whatever your body shape you are attractive and you are beautiful. You don’t have to be thin to be attractive! Women the first step is to be confident, appreciate your own body. Whatever you believe is true there is someone out there who finds you attractive. Beauty is not all about looks but confidence and believing in your own self-worth.

The trick lady is to recognise that your body is unique, enjoy and love it. Look at yourself and focus on the good details. People will focus on the good and not the bad. Believe in yourself and then you will see that everything else will follow.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Body image - a loaded topic

Wow – one of the most loaded topics. The wrong word or answer can get your head taken off, destroy or be destroyed, damaged for life.

Entire industries prosper on the fact that this a major concern for so many people in the western world. To say nothing of the support industries, advertising and media necessary to tell us how bad we will look if we don’t…, how horrible our lives will be, what terrible people we’ll be.

To paraphrase, and with licence, Winston Churchill: “Never in the field of human experience has so little been made so meaningful to so many by such manipulation.”

For the truth is that the “right stuff” - body, hair, pecs/breasts etc - is nothing but a manipulation that preys on one of our deepest fears – if we’re not “right”, nobody’s going to want us or love us.

Beauty within everyone

Within every one of us is beauty. We are all capable of giving, receiving and sharing pleasure, we are all able to love and be loved.

The most sensual people I’ve known are those comfortable with their bodies. The best lovers are those who acknowledge themselves as sensual and sexual beings.

They’re concerned with what’s on the inside, as well as the outside. Because let’s face it, when all we’re concerned with is the outside, what we look like, we tend to ignore what’s inside and become just a tad shallow.

The question that begs to be asked is “How beautiful are the beautiful people?” Does an amazing face or body come with the intelligence or heart or soul awareness to make pronouncements of value other than “I want to work for world peace”?

Never enough

If the motivation to change your body comes from the perspective of not being enough, there’s a small problem. It will never be enough. The insecurity and inevitable comparison ensures that somebody else is always going to be more… (or less…).

The other problem here is the truth of change. To expect to look the same at 40 as we did at 25 is absurd.

To look better because we’re more comfortable with who we are, more secure, to have an inner glow that only comes from a level of self-acceptance and self-love is much better. Now we’re talking!

Journey into Tantric

The journey into Tantric, Taoist sexuality and sensual exploration offers a path that brings us to a place of feeling good about who we are and how we look.

The first possibility on this journey is simply to feel good, to enjoy pleasure. We naturally start to feel better about ourselves when pleasure takes place in a space of honouring, nurturing and acceptance. And the experience of pleasure is not determined by how we look.

However, we are going to become more aware of our body and our health as we delve deeper into the realms of pleasure.

We will be more conscious of what we put inside us. We will exercise more. To enjoy the awesome magic of a three-hour Tantric lovemaking session you have to be fit and supple, you have to be able to breathe. You don’t need to be a sexual athlete, but you do need to be healthy.

Liking ourselves

Without even venturing into the realms of Tantric or anything sexually “funny”, the more you allow yourself to pleasure and be pleasured, the more aware of yourself, your physical and emotional being you become. This naturally brings a greater sense of well-being, energy and vitality.

So we start to like ourselves more. Regardless of what we look like externally. And we come to see that purely through feeling good, that whatever our body looks like, we can have fun and excitement, peace and passion.

And then the desire to change anything physically becomes more realistic, easier and most importantly, the motivation to change becomes different.

It’s because I like or even love myself more. And then weight, for example disappears, or my eating changes naturally or exercise is more fun or purposeful. It comes from inside and is not dependent on anybody or anything else.

But the comfier I feel within my skin, the more sensual I allow myself to be, the better about myself I will feel, the more my body will come to a state of balance. And I will be happy!

By Jonti Searll  

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Decoding Women's Body Language

 Unlike women, who are adept at the art of prevarication, most men say what they mean and mean what they say. Their speech is straightforward and to the point. Women, on the other hand, are generally more complex and subtle, especially when it comes to conversation. That's why being able to interpret women's body language is vitally important.