Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What Honey Can (and Can't) Do

Honey’s been used to heal wounds, ease allergies, and sweeten things up for centuries. Can it really do everything it gets credit for?

How Do Bees Make Honey?

It begins when a honeybee stops at a flower and sucks out the sweet liquid nectar. She stores the nectar in a special sac called a honey crop, where enzymes break it down into simple sugars. Back at the hive, other bees move the nectar into honeycombs. They hover above the cells, creating a breeze that dries out the nectar until it becomes honey, and then seal the cells with wax. Bees visit 2 million flowers to make a pound of honey.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Woman to Woman: The Human Sex Drive

Woman to Woman: The Human Sex Drive: From the first yearnings of adolescence, sex plays a major role in our lives - indeed, it is one of our strongest drives. However, for ...

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Woman to Woman: Psychological Problems That Have An Impact on Sex

Woman to Woman: Psychological Problems That Have An Impact on Sex: Up until now, we have only considered the physical side of sex. However, by far the greatest number of sexual problems is psychological. ...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Woman to Woman: Physical Problems Women Encounter With Sex

Woman to Woman: Physical Problems Women Encounter With Sex: Many women experience sexual problems, particularly with orgasm. A woman may be unable to move from the plateau phase into orgasm, which m...

Woman to Woman: The Human Sex Drive

Woman to Woman: The Human Sex Drive: From the first yearnings of adolescence, sex plays a major role in our lives - indeed, it is one of our strongest drives. However, for ...